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Journal Club - October
Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM MDT
Category: Education Event Online

Fostering Collaboration between Researchers and Users of Research

Welcome to the American Mindfulness Association bi-monthly Journal Club, where the worlds of research and practical application with a focus on secular mindfulness converge! This unique forum serves as a bridge between the academic realm and real-world applications, facilitating vibrant discussions and fostering collaboration between researchers and users of research.

Objective: Our primary goal is to facilitate a dynamic exchange of ideas, insights, and perspectives between researchers who generate knowledge and practitioners who apply it in various fields. By bridging this gap, we aim to enhance the relevance, applicability, and impact of research on practical challenges and societal needs.

Format: Each session of our Journal Club features a selected research article, carefully chosen for its relevance and potential impact on practice. Participants, comprising both researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds, engage in a structured discussion guided by a facilitator.

The format typically includes:

  1. Introduction: The facilitator provides an overview of the selected article, highlighting key findings, methodologies, and implications.
  2. Discussion: Participants share their insights, experiences, and critiques related to the research, exploring its relevance to real-world challenges and opportunities for application.
  3. Collaboration Opportunities: The session encourages participants to identify potential areas for collaboration, such as follow-up research, implementation projects, or policy initiatives.
  4. Networking: Informal networking opportunities allow participants to connect, exchange contact information, and explore potential collaborations beyond the session.

Themes: Our Journal Club covers a wide range of themes spanning various mindfulness focused disciplines, including but not limited to:

  • Healthcare and Medicine
  • Education and Learning
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Social Sciences and Policy


  • Knowledge Exchange: Participants gain valuable insights from cutting-edge research while researchers obtain practical feedback and perspectives from end-users.
  • Collaborative Opportunities: The Club serves as a platform for initiating collaborations, fostering partnerships, and co-creating solutions to real-world challenges.
  • Professional Networking: Participants expand their professional networks, connecting with like-minded individuals passionate about driving positive change through research and practice.

Who Should Attend: Our Journal Club welcomes researchers, academics, practitioners, policymakers, industry professionals, students, and anyone interested in the intersection of research and practical application.

Join Us: Are you passionate about bridging the gap between research and practice? Join us for an enriching and collaborative experience at our next Journal Club session!

Register for October journal club click here.

Sign up here to stay tuned for upcoming events and opportunities to connect.

Contact Information: For inquiries or to join our mailing list, please contact Holly Duckworth at [email protected].

Together, let's transform ideas into action and make a meaningful difference in our communities and beyond!

** October research will be selected by September 15, 2024. We will send you an update on or before that date. ***DATE SUBJECT TO CHANGE****

Contact: Holly Duckworth, Executive Director